Union Methodist Church
2025 Theme:
"A fruitful church that makes and nurtures disciples who make disciples of Christ"
Matthew 28:18-20
Together in Christ
On a crossroads in central North Carolina, lies a small country church. From humble beginnings dating back to 1939, Union Methodist Church was first a simple Sunday School with a congregation of 19 of God's servants. Mrs. (John E.) Penelope Taylor urged local neighbors to form the Sunday School, which met at an abandoned schoolhouse once a month during warm months and at Mr. John Aaron Senter's Packhouse in the winter. On Wednesday nights, a prayer meeting was held.
After a revival held by Reverend Flake r. Davis, some of the Sunday School members decided that a church was needed. The community pulled together and contributed money, resources, and labor to build the church. By the time the church reached completion in 1941, 19 members filled the pews and the Sunday School classes hosted 35 members.
The new church received the name Union, because of the fact that community members united together to create the church and fund the new building. The Sunday School started meeting in the new building even before its completion and Reverend Davis served as the church's very first pastor.
Since then, the church was rebuilt to be larger, and a fellowship hall was added in 2016. Today, Union Methodist Church has 248 members and many visitors. All guests are welcome and we enjoy meeting new neighbors.