Union Methodist Church
2025 Theme:
"A fruitful church that makes and nurtures disciples who make disciples of Christ"
Matthew 28:18-20
Together in Christ
Prayer Requests
This page is dedicated to the many prayer requests received through the church. Please see below for those people and organizations that need your prayers. Prayer groups meet every Tuesday and Thursday. If you would like join a prayer group, please join us Tuesday at 10:00am and/or Thursdays at 6:30pm. God is good, always. And in all ways, God is good.
Let us pray...
Ricky & Jenny Alexander - Ruth Bellamy - Magolene Conner - Faye Darroch - Johnny Darroch - Donna Hooper - Ronald & Dot Johnson - Jeanette Kinton - Jo Anne Lowder - Floyd McGee - Jimmy McLean - Julie Price - Donald Sink - Jason Ray - John Stickmon - Judy Stickney - Dewon Taylor - J. Lee Taylor - Mollie Taylor - Phyllis Taylor - Ruth Ann Thomas - Caroyln Totzke - Ray & George Viverette - Connie Wicker - Jimmy Wicker - Evelyn Womack - Doris Wood - The United States of America - The U.S. Government - The U.S. Military men & women - Police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, and other first responders - Caregivers - Israel - Our enemies - Christ's Church - Everyone who feels the struggles of this physical world as it weighs heavy on our hearts
Dear Heavenly Father, please answer the prayers of your children. Prayers of peace, prayers of healing, prayers of love and compassion, prayers of protection. Please watch over your children around the world who are in harms way as war rages and evil persists.
In Jesus name, Amen.